from the deeper levels of the subconscious and its curiosity and analysis components .... curious about happenings on the geography surface of EARTH that are overlooked by people busily watching televsion and eating and partying. .
Clifford Algebras, Clifford Groups, and a Generalization of the ...
by J Gallier - 2012 - Cited by 13 - Related articlesJan 31, 2012 - These notes provide a tutorial on Clifford algebra and the groups Spin and Pin, including a study of the structure of the Clifford algebra Clp,q ...
Clifford group ..... besides the road known as Clifford Lane ..... the bio-math humanoids ---> Mr. Clifford G. (radio engineering) and Clifford Publishing (both in Watertown area) ...both involved in the communications industry.
Topics in Representation Theory: Clifford Algebras 1 Clifford Algebras
for v ∈ V . More generally, one can define a Clifford algebra for any vector space. V with a quadratic form Q(·, ·) (we will be interested in the quadratic form.
Square Roots of-1 in Real Clifford Algebras › math
by E Hitzer - 2012 - Cited by 12 - Related articlesApr 20, 2012 - Biquaternions are isomorphic to the Clifford (geometric) algebra $Cl(3,0)$ of $\mathbb{R}^3$. Further research on general algebras $Cl(p,q)$ ...
Applied Clifford bio-math?
---> Mr. Clifford G. (radio engineering) and Clifford Publishing (both in Watertown area) ...both involved in the communications industry.
Are they .... Topics in Representation Theory: Clifford Algebras?
Are they ...... Real Clifford Algebras?
Only time will tell .... if university math researchers explore that possibilty?
Louis-Victor-Pierre-Raymond, 7th duc de Broglie, ForMemRS[1] (; 15 August 1892 – 19 March 1987) was a French physicist who made groundbreaking contributions to quantum theory. In his 1924 PhD thesis he postulated the wave nature of electrons and suggested that all matter has wave properties.
2 Important theories
2.1 Matter and wave–particle duality
2.2 Conjecture of an internal clock of the electron
2.3 Non-nullity and variability of mass
2.4 Generalization of the principle of least action
2.5 Duality of the laws of nature
2.6 Neutrino theory of light
2.7 Hidden thermodynamics
Is Clifford algebra their duality as an individual bio-computer SYMBOL processor?
---> Mr. Clifford G. (radio engineering) and Clifford Publishing (both in Watertown area) ...both involved in the communications industry.
The mysteries of Watertown and the secrets of the University of Wisconsin.
Now, let's look at some important CLUEs that suggest other ideas.
Data processing?
Data fields and Einstein's data FIELD theory?
Images for Computer world magazine
Earth geography surface LAND at ..... such and such location.
LAND at --> Local Area Network Data ...such as agriculture farm fields ... that is farm data fields such as the Clifford Lane farm data fields and the West Road ..... the applications parallel to the West Road DAMTP and Cavendish theorists in Europe.
Images for Computer world magazine
Below, data field lines as described by the 1972 Nixon magnetic tape project
Images for Computer world magazine
Below, EARTH Base 16 hexadecimal Highway 16 .... within 8 miles of Clifford Lane
Thus we begin to see the Solar System and the Earth context of Nature ... which we live within.
Now ....... let's use the SYMBOL MACHINE ....
The SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of English language words and concepts, math and physics equations, biochemistry diagrams, electromagnetic sin wave schematics, etc. The SYMBOL MACHINE equivalent are basic college textbooks in math and science that may be found in any bookstore or a bookstore near a university.
Let's upgrade the SYMBOL MACHINE with Clifford algebra, Clifford Lane and base 16 hexadecimal Highway 16 concepts.
Clifford Algebra -- from Wolfram MathWorld › Algebra › Quaternions and Clifford Algebrasis Euclidean space, the Clifford algebra is generated by the standard basis ... The standard Clifford algebra is then generated additively by elements of the form ...
welcome to the machine.
Where have you been?
It's alright we know where you've been.
You've been in the pipeline, filling in time,
Base 16 upgrade of
Clifford Algebra -- from Wolfram MathWorld › Algebra › Quaternions and Clifford Algebrasis Euclidean space, the Clifford algebra is generated by the standard basis ... The standard Clifford algebra is then generated additively by elements of the form ...
Base 16 hexadecimal Clifford Algebra with the CLI instruction
Thus ...we see .....we can take the SYMBOL MACHINE Base 16 Clifford Algebra structure and MAP it to physical REALITY ..... the Earth geography region map in the area of Clifford Lane and the physical and
bio-math objects within that Sartre existential region ...... say a 16 mile radius.
Clifford algebra--> proper noun Clifford --> country road named Clifford Lane and bio-math humanoids named Clifford Clifford G. and the people at Clifford Publishing ...that is Clifford PU = Processing Unit ..... that is a ..... CLI hex'ff' processing unit with Hex'FF" = 255 = High-values.
Clifford --> symbol subsets --> CLI and FF
CLI --> Compare Logical Immediate instruction
FF --> HEX'FF" =255 = High--values such as the Future Farmers of America and their Base 16 hexadecimal logo FFA --> Implies Hex'FF" America --> High-values America. The Future Framers of America organization does not recognize the existence of number 16 VALUES .... consequently, the math death of FFA member Matt Anderson of Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture and Wisconsin universities have no respect for Base 16 and Nature's hexadecimal Highway 16 project ..... consequently the Computer Earth system 360 / 370 ordered death at Lake Superior of the Superior human arrogant FARM groups centered around Ron Nilsestuen. But that's another topic in the 1984, BRAVE NEW WORLD category of social psychology battles as
outlined by authors George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.
Rod Nilsestuen, state DATCP head, drowns in Lake Superior : Wsj 22, 2010 - Rod Nilsestuen, who has led the state Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection as its secretary since 2003, drowned ...
Protection as its secretary
Protection as its secretary
Protection as its secret ...... what is the SECRET cover-up approved by the University of Wisconsin and its code of silence and this lack of research in this area of farm industry and outdoor deaths (such as Sam Hengel and his Boy Scout outdoors ventures)
Thus the Clifford Lane --> the FF signal of HIGH-VALUES .... is to those older and wiser farmers and citizens in the region who belonged to the FFA in high school. Somehow, the have forgotten their mission ..... the Clifford Lane message was in year 2006 and it is now 2013. Rather, they don't care about America..... they only care about themselves . They have forgotten about the BIG PICTURE. Other citizens are too busy watching sports on television, cooking and eating, or talking on cellular phones.
Clifford --> symbol subsets --> Ford --> the village of Milford Wisconsin ... within the signal processing ROC = Region of Convergence of Clifford Lane.
Milford, Wisconsin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,_WisconsinMilford is a town in Jefferson County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 1,099 at the 2010 census
Base 16 and related abstract concepts used in copper-wire computers ---> map to --> Base 16 hexadecimal Highway 16, Watertown , Wisconsin
What have we now? We have provide pieces to a puzzle about Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE and the symbolic organization known as the FFA and the 4-H Club of America. I belonged to the 4-H CLUB of Wisconsin in 1955. Later in life I became an applications computer programmer with some Fortran, PL/1, BAL and mostly COBOL at corporations with IBM system 370 main frame running OS/JCL ... or at another site running DOS.
I had to know Base 2 binary and base 16 hexadecimal.
I know a farmer that belonged to the FFA in Watertown High School around 1954.
Now, here it is year 2013 ...
Clifford algebra (very complicated and 90% beyond my abilities) and
Clifford Lane air plane crash article on the INTERNET and
I drive on Hexadecimal Highway 16 BUSINESS district of Watertown about once a week .....
and it slowing dawns upon me ..
I know the copper-wire computer science version of base 16 Hex'FF' at the conscious-MIND level .... as needed in the computer programming of accounting applications and order-entry systems..
A older and wiser FFA member probably knows Hex'FF' A at some other level of the Hayakawa abstraction lladder. As a farmer ..... working with fields ... on EARTH .... they might be involved in some deeper level of computer science ... at a subconscious LEVEL that links to Nature somehow.
Thus my mission was to that the farmer VERSION and bring it to a level of conscious expression using written symbols and models ...... and i think that Clifford algebra might be buried deep in everyone's bio-math soul ... and that bio-math subroutine is helping me with the Clifford Lane model and other thoughts
on this situation.
Now, the exciting conclusion.
1) Clifford --> contain the subset letter FF (High-values) as an EARTH road map
2) The FFA farmer a humanoid with a brain SYMBOL ENGINE had an FF (High-Values) in 1954.
3) I, as a 4-H Club Member did not have a FF in 1954/1955. My brain SYMBOL MACHINE learned its version of FF thru computer science studies ... and by 1974 thru 1984 work experience ..... that continues in the late 1990's.
So, now ,,,,,I recall William Shakespeare ...
All The World's A Stage, a poem by William Shakespeare ... - Allpoetry The World's A Stage. by William Shakespeare. All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances,
Okay, let's look at again ...and again.
I, the writer of this blog post, am a player ( p layer = processing layer) in some EARTH/Nature theater.
A farmer drives a tractor.
Tractor ..
Tractor .. ...... okay farmers with iron tractors, 4 BIG rubber wheels, diesel engines are actors within Mother Nature's geography stage of ground/soil/land .......
Okay ..... so I am a human bio-computer ..... and the SYMBOLS and equations and English language words and music ..... broadcast on television and radio ...are really commands to my bio-computer brain on how to think, behave, etc. Let's see.... probably 90% of that is okay. The remaining percent ought be reviewed.
Now, let's continue with base 16 Hex"FF" signal.
The FFA farmer has 1 FF in year 1954 .... and its still exists in his SYMBOL brain.
I, The 4-H CLUB learned about FF at a conscious computer science level
Then ... recently ... I write down the word 4-H CLUB on paper. My mind and intuition ... say ..keep looking and thinking about that .... --> 4-H C ........ 4 H C --> gee, that looks so familiar ..... I have seen that before ..... but where?
Then feeding the 4-legged beef cattle the other day on the farm (after my computer programming carreer in Chicago I returned to my origins) ..... the idea came.
4-H C --> 4 High Value codes --> FFFF --> Base 16 Hex'FFFF' is need by Nature's system VIA the human
bio-math interface.
Thus ... when I stand next to the FFA farmer ... we have 2 standing SYMBOL agents FF and FF.
Nature then concatenates this into 1 VIEW ..... 1 character string of FF and FF --> FFFF
Hexadecimal Numbers and Hexadecimal Numbering System Tutorial about Hexadecimal Numbers, the Hexadecimal Numbering ... also commonly used in computer and digital systems called Hexadecimal Numbers. ....
The maximum 4-digit hexadecimal number is FFFF
The maximum 4-digit hexadecimal number is FFFF
The maximum 4-digit hexadecimal number is FFFF
Hexadecimal - I Programmer › Babbage's BagSo far, using hex for a number looks as if it might be some sort of intellectual ...
The equivalent addressing ranges are 0 to 65535 in decimal and
0 to FFFF in hex. ...
Now, we know that Computer Earth geography address space ... that a geography computer address space exists at the Base 16 address space of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.
Perhaps, the Clifford Lane event is a signal that the MAX address space has been reached ...... and that Nature has had this event occur here at the West Road ... hoping that someone with a science background and curiosity and effort might
correlate the various CLUES into one practical model that had some sense and consistency.
The TIME for such awareness is now. Many people have provided the concept tools and symbol tools needed for my mind to work on this variety of data CLUES.
Thus super-symmetry, Theory of Everything, Grand Unified Theory, etc .... provided a vision ..... and I outline one practical example that may help theorists and other researchers.
This practical example is important to insurance companies and the legal system ..... that need to provide for CLI events and Base 16 events, etc.
Thanks to the FFA and the 4-H CLUB .... both are Carl Jung collective unconsciousness groups that LINK to Nature's down-to-Earth systems ...... and thru their SYMBOL identifiers have provided information for others to understand.
And finally, I begin to understand high school class with
William Shakespeare( year 1600 TIME dimension) and the LINK to the geography computer address SPACE of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (SPACE dimension) .
Convert the following Hexadecimal number #3FA716 into its Binary equivalent, and also into its Decimal or Denary equivalent using subscripts to identify each numbering system.
= 0011 1111 1010 01112
= (8192 + 4096 + 2048 + 1024 + 512 + 256 + 128 + 32 + 4 + 2 + 1)
= 16,29510
Then, the Decimal number of 16,295 can be represented as:-
#3FA716 in Hexadecimal
0011 1111 1010 01112 in Binary.
The mysteries of modern SYMBOL life.
Finally, let's look at the Clifford Lane database clues involving Plano, Texas and the Computer Earth system 370 orders to humanoids and their data bus --> business organizations .... and the complete disrespect and abuse of Nature project; consequently Nature's system creation of the BASE 16 HEX signaling EVENT known as the Clifford Lane with the Base 16 HEX/curse of the FAA.
The database ...
February 5, 2006 Plane Crash Crash. "B" Shift, February 5, 2006, 16:56 Hours. W5904 Clifford Lane. Engine 1 ... Wreckage burns as crews make their way to crash site. View of ... Unless noted all photos by Sarah A. Butts, Watertown Fire Department Photographer.
Clifford Lane. Engine 1
Clifford Lane. Engine 1
Cli +Hex'ff' high value aerodynamics information highway /Lane.
"B" Shift --> Base 2 binary signal
Board issues report on fatal plane crash - Watertown Daily Times ... 21, 2008 - The first plane crashed to the ground and burst into flames near West Road and Clifford Lane in the town of Watertown.
Killed in the crash where Robert Chabot 25, of Plano, Texas, and Todd Hagen, 42,
and Tracey Marshall-Hagen, 37, both of Essex Junction, Vt.
United States of America
Flag Great Seal
"In God we trust" (official)
"E pluribus unum" (Latin) (traditional)
"Out of many, one"
Let's study the deeper levels of REALITY that underlie our Nation and its alliance with Nature's expression systems ......
The United States of North America
....... asked to work on special projects ..... and then in years 2006 thru 2013 they drop the the ball
Ross Perot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia founded Electronic Data Systems (EDS) in 1962, sold the company to General .... In 1988 he founded Perot Systems Corporation, Inc. in Plano, Texas.
Ross Perot
Born Henry Ross Perot
June 27, 1930 (age 83)
Texarkana, Texas
Education Texarkana Junior College
United States Naval Academy
Perot was born in Texarkana, Texas, to Lula May Perot (née Ray) and Gabriel Ross Perot.
Bio-computer Perot was born in Texarkana, Texas, to Computer Earth system 370 agent .... Lula --> Lu + La --> Logical unit Load address
Perot joined the Boy Scouts of America and made Eagle Scout in 1942 --> refer to Clifford Lane/ West Road database
Todd Hagen, 42, and Tracey ..... also trace year 1942 the TIME origination Point of Stephen Hawking and the University of Cambridge ,West Road ...that has serious awareness and communications problems.
Nature's base 16 influence in his career .....
EDS went public in 1968 and the stock price rose from $16 a share to $160 within days.
n 1984 Perot bought a very early copy of Magna Carta, one of only a few to leave the United Kingdom
The George Orwell computer manual 1984 + base 16 oxygen atomic computer = year 2000 bio-computer biological TIME requirements
Ross Perot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia founded Electronic Data Systems (EDS) in 1962, sold the company to General .... In 1988 he founded Perot Systems Corporation, Inc. in Plano, Texas. ..... Bill Clinton/Al Gore (D) – 44,909,806 (43.0%)
and 370 electoral votes (32 states ......)
Thus the IBM system 370 electoral signal and the COBOL computer language word 32 signal.
So, let look again ...
Board issues report on fatal plane crash - Watertown Daily Times ... 21, 2008 - The first plane crashed to the ground and burst into flames near West Road and Clifford Lane in the town of Watertown.
Killed in the crash where Robert Chabot 25, of Plano, Texas, and Todd Hagen, 42,
and Tracey Marshall-Hagen, 37, both of Essex Junction, Vt.
Keywords of the CLI ...Compare Logical Immediate signaling EVENT at Clifford Lane and West Road.
Base 16 Hex'FAA' air plane ---> Plano with Robert Chabot
At Plano, Texas we have bio-computer Perot with at PER identifier at a bio-computer SYMBOL MACHINE operating
temperature of 37.o degrees Celsius .......
and Perot computer people worked with IBM system 370 OS/JCL.
System/370 Job Control Language: Gary DeWard Brown ... › ... › Control SystemsA reference and training guide that explains the 370 Job Control Language. ... All the major concepts and facilities of the IBM System/370 operating system are .......OS/JCL --> Operating System / Job Control Language.
KeyKOS Principles of Operation - Program Surveillance further information see the PER (Program Event Recording ) section of IBM System/370 Principles of Operation. When a program event occurs, C9 receives a data ...
Thus we have the PER demo for super-symmetry physics researchers with the copper-wire physics computer and the bio-physics bio-computer (Ross Perot).
Todd Hagen, 42,
Systems IBM System/370 Principles of Operation - be run on the System/370, where in such preparation a .... The TOD ( time-of-day clock ) provides a consistent measure of ... of the clock is approximately 143 years.
Systems IBM System/370 Principles of Operation - Al Kossow's ... be run on the System/370, where in such preparation a .... The time-of-day clock provides a consistent measure of ... of the clock is approximately 143 years.
Handbook of Fiber Optic Data Communication: A Practical Guide to ...
Casimer DeCusatis - 2011 - Technology & EngineeringThe Time-of-Day (TOD) clock was first introduced as part of the IBM System/370TM architecture to provide a high-resolution measure of real time. The cycle of the clock is approximately 143 years and wraps on September 18, 2042. In July
Plane Crash
Plano, Texas system Crash
Time-of-Day (TOD) agent Todd Hagen, 42 --> TOD code 42 messenger -- 18, 2042 --> 18 atomic weight of Watertown molecules with 20 standard amino acids and number 42 LINKS to Base 4 exponent 2 = base 16 hexadecimal highway 16 Water molecule internals.
and wraps on ..... 18 = H 2 O = Watertown
Crews search wreckage for victims
--> information management
system WAR casualties .
Server Time Protocol Planning Guide - IBM Redbooks 27, 2013 - This edition applies to Server Time Protocol Facility on IBM System z10 ...... The Time-of-Day (TOD) clock was introduced as part of the System/370 ... day.
The cycle of the clock is approximately 143 years and wraps on ...
Again super-symmetry mirrors and approximation help us take the partial CLUES and locate more detail data ..... available for theorists.
Board issues report on fatal plane crash - Watertown Daily Times ... 21, 2008 - ... flames near West Road and Clifford Lane in the town of Watertown. Killed in the crash were Robert Chabot, 25, of Plano, Texas, and ... certificate for flying
and had accumulated 1,643 hours of flight time. ... He had accumulated 7,015 hours of flight time and had flown 4,984 hours in a Short Brothers plane.
Thus we see several pieces to a complicated puzzle of the Base 16 hexadecimal organization FFA and Mr. Chabot of the PLANO, Texas computer science region of SECRETS of DEATH.
Hexadecimal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia mathematics and computer science, hexadecimal (also base 16, or hex) is a positional numeral system with a radix, or base, of 16. It uses sixteen distinct .
base 16, or hex ...Computer Earth social engineering system .... death messages ...
16th Street Baptist Church - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia September 1963, it was the target of the racially motivated 16th Street Baptist Church bombing that killed four girls in the midst of the American Civil Rights .
Chile Mourns 16 Killed in Bus Accident - Latin American Herald ...
Chile Mourns 16 Killed in (Data) Bus Accident – Sixteen people died and 22 were injured in southern Chile when a small bus carrying fans of a local soccer team skidded off the highway and ..
Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in ...
Malaysia bus crash: at least 37 killed, 16 injured - YouTube
Malaysia data bus system crash/ABEND : at least 37.o Celsius bio-computer killed, base 16 oxygen atomic computer injured
Sep 23, 2013 - Uploaded by NMANewsDirect
Thus we see other examples ..... in addition to the Clifford Lane blog post and its outline. Thinkers are needed to continue working on the puzzle.