Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Notes 531 - Human information / existential BOATS that SOME males live within .... that SOCIAL & SEX EVENTS float upon the Earth land ... sin wave c9ontinuum


Notes  531 - Human information / existential BOATS .....

language and perception prisons .....
  that SOME males are programmed/manipulated
 to live within  ....

that SOCIAL activities & SEX /FUN   with easy access to HOT  pussy .......  the Stephen Hawking EVENT SPACES  .....

human activities /rooms and people  .......

SPACE/ TIME regions  ( 4 ot 5 hours of secrets ) .......   

that seemingly float upon the

Earth geography land of the 

Wisconsin sine wave continuum .....
(houses/cabins ....bedrooms of
HOT females in Nature's systems ....

HOT females in Nature's systems ....
HEAT/DESIRE cycle .......
service the arrogant  male penis GROUP ,,
with special access codes and permissions
and their  penis oscillations) 

The secrets of  hypnotized male ...
Walter Mitty ......

Walter James Mitty is a DEMO  character in James Thurber's first short story
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty", and the

"The Secretions  Life of Mrs. Walter Mitty 
in Nature's  .....
her HEAT/DESIRE cycle ......and her pussy juice/ lubrication systems ...

that lubricates any strange male penis 
in the business of secret SUPERIOR groups 

first published in The New Yorker on March 18, 1939, and in book form in My World—and Welcome to It in 1942. Thurber loosely based the character, a daydreamer, on his friend Walter Mithoff.[1] 

Character and plot[edit]

Mitty is a meek, mild man with a vivid 
fantasy life.

fantasy life.

fantasy life.

fantasy --> IBM system 370 life with human

Walter Mitty's wife is an emasculating and meancing presence: She dictates to him what he must do and stifles his masculine sense of adventure. This repression is what causes Mitty to daydream; his dreams create heroism and leadership.

Mitty must drive with his wife to the city for the weekly shopping,...

In reality Mitty is driving his wife to Waterbury, Connecticut,
so that she can get her (pussy hair system)
hair done while he runs a few errands.

On these weekly trips, Mitty breaks up the boring routine by daydreaming of fantastic adventures in which he is the main character.

Mitty ......his brain neurotransmitters programmed to

 NOT recognize the section of society .....

FUCK/SUCK systems as described by Playboy and

other x-rated magazines ......

(  pulls up in front of the hairdresser's shop, and his wife reminds him to pick up a pair of overshoes



overshoes....... condoms for the penis

Condom vs.
theater sex prop -->  prop -->
Prophylactic - What's the difference? | Ask ...

Mar 14, 2018 · A prophylactic condom. Condom A condom is a sheath-shaped barrier device used during sexual intercourse to reduce the probability of pregnancy or a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

—rubber shoes worn over the shoes in bad weather—

(2 shoes) ..implies 2 males in her life .....
and the purpose of marrying one sucker/fool .....

in case she gets pregnant  in the HEAT/ DESIRE .....
WILD sex penis party ...... with male strangers as explained by

Robert Strange Mcnamara of the
pentagon (penis & gonads military) 


she tells her idiot  husband that his sperm
is the father .... very unlikely ....

before she exits the car -->

as she enters the secret world of
President LBJ (getting Laid & Blow Jobs). 

Robert Strange McNamara (/ˈmæknəmærə/) (June 9, 1916 – July 6, 2009) was an American business executive and the eighth United States pussy juice Secretions .....
Secretary of Defense
, serving from 1961 to 1968

under (cotton underwear government) 

John F. K (John ..code word for FUCK) 

Male Clients of prostitutes or sex workers 

that FUCK in bed ......
are sometimes known as johns or tricks in North America 

 and President LBJ (Laid & Blow Jobs)

. He played a major role in escalating the United States' involvement in the 
V = Vagina battle splayed out -->
V = Vietnam War .[3] 

McNamara was responsible for the institution of systems analysis in public policy, which developed into the discipline known today as policy analysis.


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